
Code of Conduct

  • Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner seemly for medical professionals. Some salient points:
    • 1. At all times use temperate language with thought to the sensitivities of the listeners. Avoid abusive language at all times.
    • 2. A student must dress with decorum suitable for a budding doctor or treating physician. Unkempt appearance and inappropriate dress can lead to disciplinary action. Appropriate footwear is to be used in the college and hospital. Wearing of the Apron is compulsory within the college and hospital and other training sites.
    • 3. Conduct yourself with dignity at all times and more especially when in presence of patients and their relatives.
    • 4. Respect your teachers and demonstrate this by wishing them when you meet them, even in the corridors. In class, stand up in your seats when the teacher enters. Do not enter any class in progress without the permission of the teacher.
    • 5. Do not use your cell phone while in class or in the wards. If the phone is kept on, please ensure it is on silent mode. Use of cell-phone in the classroom or during teaching sessions will be viewed seriously and can invite disciplinary action.
    • 6. Knock before you enter the offices or rooms of your teachers and seniors.
    • 7. Treat office and hospital staff with respect. Their efforts go a long way in smooth and efficient functioning of the institution which facilitates your learning experience here.
    • 8. Speak politely, behave respectfully and show empathy with patients and their attendants. Remember, people come to hospital when they are in need and suffering.
    • 9. Use the prescribed proper channels to convey your feelings or thoughts. Your teacher or mentor should be the first point of contact. The Heads of Department or Hostel Rectors can be approached in the event of any problem. Any student can seek to meet the Dean after taking proper time, barring emergency situations when appointment is not mandatory.
    • 10. Avoid fraudulent means of passing such as copying, using chits or cheat sheets, using the mobile or any transmitting devices within the examination halls. Strict invigilation, University Flying Squads and CCTV monitoring are aimed to prevent such acts. Any lapses will be dealt with as per the Bye-Laws of the University.