The Learning Management System currently used in the University is an ERP that has been customized for this institution by on expert team. It is a one login, seamless program that covers Analytics, Finance, Non-Academic functions and Academic functions. It allows Governance, Management and aids Regulatory Compliance. It is used by University officers, administrative staff, faculty, students alike and offers a convenient and comprehensive system to improve efficiency of functioning. Academics module takes care of all that is central to learning and teaching. It allows for sharing schedules, sharing materials in text, image, ppt or video formats, attendance, results, discussion forums, handle notifications, conduct quizzes, etc. Teaching module aids in efficiently managing duties including academic calendar, planning, scheduling, course files, mentoring, time table, projects and many more. Attendance module integrates and automates attendance which is biometric based. It allows for warning settings for poor attendance and the function of automatic information to supervisor, parents or head of institution. Research module, Finance module and Purchase module streamline relevant processes to increase time, efficacy, recordkeeping and monitoring of vital data. Human Resource module is amalgamation of all the recruiting, training, and on boarding related activities. Library Module allows for takes care of catalog. inventory management. Online Public Access Control (OPAC), Book Bank Management, transactions, auditing and other library functions.