Dear Alumni of D. Y. Patil Medical College, Kolhapur
Greetings from your alma mater.
Yours truly is Dr. N. T. Venugopal, Associate Dean for Student’s affairs in your alma mater
I reckon that you are keeping good time in this testing of COVID 19. I hope you and your family is safe.
It is said good times recollected from the past acts as a tonic for battered minds. Nostalgic recall of time spent in D Y Patil Medical College Kolhapur must be etched in your minds.
Do participate and share some memories from your treasure chest.
You are invited to share stories about that time in the campus – funny stories, memorable anecdotes, good times with friends, staff and teachers.
Send your contributions on the email mentioned with your latest photo, year of admission and your present whereabouts.
Looking forward to your contributions to this alumni association effort.”
Please expedite your writing and mail to
Dr. N. T. Venugopal