
National Webinar on “COVID-19 Vaccine Safety and Efficacy of the Breakthrough” on Thursday, 17th December, 2020 at 04.00pm

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the D.Y. Patil Education Society Institution Deemed to be University, Kolhapur is pleased to present a National Webinar on “COVID-19 Vaccine Safety and Efficacy of the Breakthrough” on Thursday, 17th December, 2020 at 04.00pm by Marie Curie Research Fellow Dr. Nanasaheb Thorat our Alumni, presently working at Medical Science Division, Oxford University, UK. The link for this Webinar is given below. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89376255389?pwd=VVllbm0rSUdoQ05HT3FQbU1KUnVMUT09

Meeting ID: 893 7625 5389, Passcode: 9599