
International Conference GETAR-19

[pdf-embedder url=”http://dypatilunikop.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/GETAR-2019-PHARMACOLOGY-BROCHURE-WITH-REGISTRATION-FORM-1.pdf” title=”REGISTRATION FORM GETAR-19″] We cordially invite you to participate in the international conference on GLOBAL ECOLOGICAL THREATS OF ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE:WAR AGAINST SUPERBUGS (GETAR-2019), organized by Department of Pharmacology, D.Y. Patil Medical College, Kolhapur on August 23rd 2019. This highlight of this conference is to converge multidisciplinary sciences (Medical, Veterinary, Agriculture & Pharmacy) to cope up with the global problem of antimicrobial resistance. This conference will be of great help for practitioners, Academicians, Researchers, Post Graduates & Undergraduate Students. Aim: To enhance and upgrade the existing knowledge regarding Antimicrobial Resistance. Objectives: 1. To study and analyze the correlation of antimicrobials in human veterinary, Agriculture practices development of antimicrobial resistance. 2. To illustrate the measures to be taken to reduce antimicrobial resistance. 3. To interpret the Research and development in new alternative methods to prevent antimicrobial resistance. Venue – Auditorium Hall, DY Patil Medical College campus, Kasaba Bawada Kolhapur The registration for the above program can be done by 1. Download delegate form at dypatilunikop.com 2. Fill up the form 3. Pay the delegate fees at the account number mentioned. Alternatively, fees can be paid in cash at the venue also on 23rd August